105 台北市松山區長安東路二段 225 號 C 棟 8 樓
年 2 月取得電子支付執照後,街口是台灣唯一與 21 家(持續增加中)
費、儲值、提現。街口支付已有近 9 萬個線下支付點,同時提供叫車、
餐點外送等加值服務,目前正積極開發線上通路、創造更多 O2O 應用場景
,並計畫在 2020 年開始向個人理財、小額信貸領域深耕,打造全方位的
生活化金融服務 App 。
1. Senior Backend Engineer (.NET/JAVA) 年薪 1m – 1.8m 台幣
[工作內容 / 應徵條件]
[ Responsibilities ]
1. Develop and design backend service systems for business
related purposes.
2. Capable of working independently on projects by analyzing,
designing, developing and maintaining the systems.
3. Ensuring that code adheres to defined standards and best
practices for performance, scalability, stability, and quality.
[ Qualification ]
1. 4+ year of backend experience in the enterprise application
2. A solid foundation of either one of backend framework:
.Net framework、.Net Core、Java/Spring. Capable of using the
framework to write high quality code.
3. Experience with data modeling and system design for e-commerce
or financial scenarios are preferred.
4. Have a solid knowledge of enterprise integration patterns,
micro-services implementation and SOA.
5. Talents who have backend experience in finance, payment,
billing, accounting industry are preferred.
6. Being comfortable operating in dynamic environments,
self-directed, approachable and a great team player.
未經允許不得轉載:花粉小姐的部落 » [徵才] 街口支付 招募 後端工程師 (.NET/JAVA)