
[請益] 台微體(4152)的吸入式HCQ新冠肺炎解藥?

A Strategy to Treat COVID-19 Disease with Targeted Delivery of Inhalable Liposomal Hydroxychloroquine: A Non-clinical Pharmacokinetic Study



Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an antimalarial and anti-inflammatory drug, is inexpensive, safe, and well tolerated by most patient populations, including those with chronic diseases or immunocompromised status. HCQ is a weak diprotic base that can pass through the lipid cell membrane and preferentially concentrate in acidic cytoplasmic vesicles. HCQ is being studied to prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), possibly via blocking the interactions between virus and angiotensin-converting
enzyme-2 (ACE-2) receptor as well as sialic acids receptor and has shown potential in vitro (1, 2) and preliminary clinical results (3, 4). As of Jul 8, 2020, a total of 232 studies involves HCQ use among 2478 clinical trials for COVID-19 registered with the clinicaltrials.gov.

However, the effective in vivo levels as well as the optimal dosing regimen of HCQ for treating COVID-19 remains unclear. The in vitro EC50 values (0.72 to 17.31 M) proposed for optimized dosing regimens are based on extracellular drug concentration (1, 2). A higher lung (intracellular) concentration to predict the in vivo antiviral efficacy was suggested (5). The HCQ concentration (6.7 g/mL) required to clear 100% of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro might not be achievable with the currently proposed oral
dosing regimen of 800 mg HCQ sulfate orally daily, followed by a maintenance dose of 400 mg given daily for 4 days (2, 6). Further, a high cumulative doses of HCQ may raise concerns of systemic toxicity, including cardiotoxicity (7).

An alternative strategy is needed to bridge the gap between in vitro and clinical use of a potentially effective agent in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. A drug delivery directly to the respiratory tracts while minimizing the systemic exposure is a desirable alternative (5). In this report, a proof-of-concept study was conducted to evaluate the systemic pharmacokinetics (PK) profiles and tissue distribution following a single dose of inhalable liposomal HCQ in a rat model and compared to that of
unformulated HCQ through intravenous (IV) delivery.

看起來是有新的HCQ相關吸入式的新冠肺炎治療方案,似乎可以降低一般服用的副作用,而且有進行了動物試驗,未來不知有沒有機會也得到BARDA贊助。而文中也有提到這項新藥的廠商是Taiwan Liposome Company,也就是台灣的台微體公司(4152),去看籌碼發現有在公司附近的分點囤了蠻多的貨,覺得事有蹊俏,不知可不可以提前佈局,等待中文新聞出來應該可以拉一波。想請教生技醫療專業的人怎麼解讀這份報告,感謝!!!